I'm sorry I haven't updated in a couple days, my mom let me know I was dropping the ball! Well on Sunday we made the switch, Travis for Cameron in Centerville, Tx! It was crazy how crowded the roads were and the little Subway/Texas Burger we met at. I've lived in north Texas for over 10 years now and I have never seen traffic like that on the road before! Anyway, we had a great lunch and visited for awhile and then unloaded trunks and headed to our respective houses.
We made it home just before the big storm hit and I was glad we weren't driving in it! Monday was just a stay at home day, I cleaned and the boys just played all day. Travis started book one of Harry Potter, he is a voracious reader and I think he will really enjoy it! Today the boys suffered through my two hour hair appointment and watched in absolute horror as I had my eye brows waxed! They didn't understand why anyone would pay to have that done. I could have gone into the Luke birth story and what pain really is, but I don't think they are quite ready for that:) So after that it was lunch time and we headed to Chicken Reds(another favorite of Luke's). Now, Travis tried to play cool like he was much to old at the ripe age of 9 to enjoy an outside play park. After ten minutes outside he ran up and said,"E, I have to admit I'm having fun!" and so I was glad that they were able to enjoy themselves.
The boys had a good time running around hiding from each other. At one point I was looking away and I heard this horrific scream and I look up and it was Travis and he was all red faced, apparently his little cousin scared the what for out of him. It was really funny! After that we headed to Luke's swim lesson at Emler and Travis had a good time watching Luke swim.
Luke has been taking lessons since January and Matt and I are really impressed with the school. Luke has come a long way!