This is a former student of mine Jonathan after Bowie won the district championship game. He invited me to come and watch him play and so Luke and I went to the last game. It was such a good game and Jonathan made an awesome catch that involved 25 yards and jumping over people:) He is Luke's new hero! Such a smart kid and he was so good to Luke. Took him down on the field after the game for the school song and pics. I can only hope Luke turns out to be as good a kid as Jonathan. He reminds me a lot of him, except when he leaves class to eat candy out of his backpack and tells people I'm the devil:)

Another former student Greg Pickney, he was also a favorite kid! I felt REALLY old at this game!

Luke on the field singing the Bowie song, we won't tell PCA!

Here is Luke's class on their field trip to Old City Park in Dallas. This picture cracks me up, half of them are looking away, making a funny face or covering up their face, that's first grade for you.

This is the old school building. They had a "teacher" who told the kids all about school in the good ol' days. Luke was being bitten all over by ants he had rolled in right before we came in this building. I kept shhhing him everytime he raised his hand to get my attention. I was busy snapping pics! I felt REALLY bad when I found out why he needed me and how many bites he had:(

Luke and Heather at Alley Cats during Farrell's PTA party. Can you tell Heather is in fourth grade, she may catch up to Luke one day... A girl can hope!
Luke's school did a musical called King of the Jungle. Grades 1-3 participated.

Here is Luke and best bud Parker. I guess that Parker is a vegetarian tiger or he just doesn't care for giraffe meat.

Luke received his orange belt in karate last week. He loves doing karate and seems to do really well. I mean I can still kick his butt but he tries a little harder to resist the force that is strong within me:)

You don't want to run into these three in a dark alley! Seth, Nick and Luke are all in class together and play football together. I'm sure they pay attention in class though, Mr. Stallard doesn't play!!
Very impressive isn't it............

Well football is finally over and we had the end of season party today at River Legacy Park. It was fun, Matt grilled the hot dogs and the moms played the boys in a powder puff game. Well of course we won and rub their little faces in it!
Parker's mom Jamie and I are discussing our game plan... well okay we are talking about the other moms and how we are going to have to pick up the slack! Jamie came through with a touch down and I pulled some kid's flag after he tripped over my foot and fell down in front of me:)

Here is our favorite time of day......... night! Good night to all may you sleep as well as a tired 6yr old!