Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer 09'

I LOVE my friends! I have been in North Texas for oh..........15 years now, yikes! Seems like just yesterday. I never thought I'd stay here this long but I'm so glad I did. I met my wonderful husband and have made life long friends that I'm not sure what I would do without them. We had our annual "Back to School" cookout Saturday and it was so nice to just sit and talk with everyone. Here a few pics from the night!

Ryder, RyLeigh and Luke enjoy the air conditioning after a long night of jump housing!

Rocket meets everyone, ahwww the love!!!

Ella loves her some Matt!

Cody and Allie discussing Matt's ribs

Ryder comes by his love of Sonic honestly, thanks to his Momma:

We of course had to have a bouncy house, although Elmo is "not cool" it had to do because Mom didn't get Sponge Bob in time!

Luke and Cameryn "girl", poor thing she is labeled for life..., this is before "the incident". Short version, Luke has a bruise on his forehead and Cameryn now has a loose front tooth:)

Lisa and her "good side".

Bhealor enjoying some down time and ribs.

If you like Pina Coladas..... and thanks to Doug we ALL enjoyed LOTS of them:)

Sweet, sweet Allie Grace........

Ben and Miss Dana, we love her so.........

Sam and "mixmaster" Doug;)

Tracie (who also love drinking Pina Coladas) and Robbie

Leslie and Randall, that's their "Thank God we have dogs and not children look"!

How do you tell this face no, this answer is ....... You don't! What Ryder wants from Miss Tammy Ryder gets from Miss Tammy. Love this kid!

Camp Thurman Week

My nephews came up again this year for Camp Thurman and had a blast. This was the first morning before we left.

Okay well maybe this was the first day, well one was the first and one was last day. They had a blast and were SO TIRED every night. Have I mentioned how much three boys eat? I was shocked and thankful I have ONE full time. My poor sister must spend a lot of time at the store:)

Speaking of friends........

This is my BFF since grade school Kathy and her son Benjamin. No, I don't wear this shirt at every function, just a fluke! Anyway.... we were both maids of honor in each other's weddings (well my first one anyway) and have been through everything with each other. Marriage, pregnancy, divorce, more preganancy ect.... Well we haven't been in contact in few years and we were able to get together while I was in Houston this summer. It was so good to see her. You forget how important old friends are, they know all the "good" stories about you and always support you. She has another son Bradley that I can't believe will be a SENIOR in high school this year. So glad I got to see her!

This is how I feel after typing this post.......... exhausted!! I'm sure if you have read it all you are too! Luke loves his "brother" Rocket and he has fit right into our family. We sure miss our Bo Man though:(

More summer to come...............