Monday, July 23, 2007

Homer, Homer, Homer!

Well we are back in Arlington! Cameron came back with us for a week of vacation, so stay tuned for daily updates! We were all so excited because we were going to go to a Ft. Worth Cats game tonight, the boys were so excited took naps and everything. The weather at 5pm said we were good to go, no rain in the metroplex, well wouldn't you know.......... We left the house at 6:30 and the lightning was putting on the only show we would see tonight. We turned away from Ft. Worth and told the boys we were moving to Plan B, that brought on quite the discussion:) Cameron wanted to know what Plan B was and Luke told him that is was ice skating(don't know where he got that), that led into a heated debate as to who was the best skater(neither one ice skate). Matt explained that Plan B was going home and going straight to bed, the booing in the car was deafening! We finally decided to go to Buck-n-Loons for dinner,it is just a little family restaurant that has a game room and it's Luke's favorite restaurant because they serve Kraft Mac n Cheese. I love paying $5 for that:) Anyway I digress....... so we had a great dinner and then Matt took the boys to the game room. They played air hockey, cars etc. Matt was the top score on Galactica(he was very proud). So we were headed home and Matt took the boys for a quick bathroom break so I was waiting by the front door for them. There it was....... The Claw machine and it was calling my name and my dollar. Now I have to tell you that I tell Luke and any child who will listen what a money stealer The Claw is. I don't let Luke put his money in it. Just the other day I warned Cameron at the store and he lost his money against my warning. So I had to dig out my dollar and shove it in fast before anyone saw me. It was full of The Simpsons characters who I also despise but my little nephew is obsessed with Homer Simpson. I move the claw over Homer and drop it down and...... I can't believe it I hooked Homer!! I'm holding my breath as it lifts him up and carries him the door and then it happens he slips from the claw's grasp and is teetering on the edge of falling in ARGHHHHHHHHHH! Just then the boys come running up I'm protecting the machine from any little kids with quarters and I'm shouting at Matt, "I need fifty cents, give me fifty cents hurry ,hurry!!!" You see I'd given all my money to those damn kids for air hockey!!! He smiles and pulls out a dollar, YES, YES I shout, and shove it in as fast as I can! I maneuver the claw and we all hold our breath as it falls down(except Matt who is laughing hard all the way to the car) it grasps Homer's body and plops him into the hole. Victory is mine!!!!!!! Cam grabs him out and hugs him tight. "Thank you E I love him, I can't believe you did it." I'm flush with pride, so proud of myself and then I hear Luke,"Mom, hey Mom there's a Sponge Bob in the corner can you get it for me?" Oh well he needs to learn about disappointment sometime.


Anonymous said...

Well, you made Cameron's whole week! Wow, what a night. I was totally exhausted after reading it. I can't imagine doing it. Great job.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!! He won't be wanting to come home anytime soon. Love the story, I feel like I was there. Hi Cammy, I love you!!!

Becca said...

Great story! You may have a new career ahead of you with your new-found "claw" talent! How are you going to top that for Travis? :o)
Love ya!