There is my "first" baby leaving on his first plane ride by himself. I had no idea that I would feel so helpless when they came and took him away. I could feel myself about to cry so I just kept saying,"I love you
until he was gone. There is something about giving up control of your children to strangers that grabs you by the heart and
squeezes. I've noticed this same feeling at the doctor,hospital and school. It is a feeling no one but a parent could
truly understand, and it is scary. He did great and walked off to get on the plane smiling and waving. I waited until the plane took off, said a prayer and walked my lonely self out to the car and drove straight to Starbucks to fill that void inside with a shaken black ice tea:) We had a great time this week, a lot of it sans camera though! Friday we went to see Underdog it was great. Then we went to the
waterpark that evening where the boys went on the "big" slide for the first time. I was so upset I didn't have my camera! Saturday Matt took the boys to the bowling alley and we just hung out last night so I could catch up on wash! This morning
Trav and I left in what I thought would be PLENTY of time to get to the gate because we already had his boarding pass. FYI when flying an unaccompanied minor you have to wait in the BIG line to get a boarding pass for yourself. Needless to say I'm not so patient when I'm going to have to explain to my perfect sister why her baby is not on the plane! I was a little frantic when we reached the counter at 12pm for a 12:30 flight! Then the desk attendant didn't like how I had put Travis in one line and stood in the other, for heaven's sake I could see him the whole time I told her. Anyway, she finally gave me the pass and we RAN to the security check where FYI again, just because you are not flying doesn't mean you can bring your BRAND NEW
Bath and Body Works lip gloss with you to the gate! Oh Yeah! they took my new lip gloss and my Berry Wonderful hand sanitizer! Had I not already been in a fit I would have let her have it with my very glossy lips, but lucky for her we were at the last gate possible so.............. we ran! Made it just in time to take a pic and have them rip my nephew from my panting arms and put him on that big plane! I had a great two weeks and now Luke, Matt and I will try to adjust to our very quiet house!

1 comment:
I think I want to cry looking at that big airplane and realizing Trav was on it!
Tammy - what a great Aunt you are. I know the boys will always have very special memories of camp Sebesta.
We are ready for you and Luke to come and put your feet up and catch some sun around the pool.
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