Sunday, April 12, 2009

Eggs, Baskets and Easter Sunday!

These are the eggs the kids decorated Saturday night. Beautiful aren't they? They had a great time making them. The lighting makes them look a bit yellow.

This is how they started out. We had speckled stuff, camo stuff and regular egg dye. It is amazing what all they have out there now to decorate eggs. I stayed away from the glitter, although I'm sure my mom would have loved that.

Maddie was very careful and wanted hers to be perfect.

Luke was a little less careful, he was all about how fast he could go to beat his sister:)

This was taken shortly after the Easter Bunny visited last night, or actually very early this morning. I'm glad that they both know why we truly celebrate Easter, the resurrection of our Savior, but........ they still expect the CANDY!!!!

This is right after church as we dodged the showers. The kids did great in "Big" church. Luke had his word find so that helped a lot. All this humidity and my hair didn't know what to do!

We had lunch at El Arroyo after church and then Matt and Maddie headed out to meet her mom in Buffalo. Hope everyone has a blessed Easter!

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