Krystal, Maddie, and Luke they are getting so big! They all really enjoy being together.
After visiting with Uncle Joe and Aunt Barbara we headed to my mom's to get ready for our celebration with her and Nanno and my sister and her family. We had a great time Christmas Eve day opening presents and eating a great meal.
The boys always have fun when they're together, now the rest of us end up exhausted chasing after them!
This is Cam and Luke partaking in some under age gambling activity, Luke scored a dollar
Travis is demolishing the gingerbread house, he managed to devour most of it with a little help from Luke!
Isn't this a sweet picture that Matt took of Sally and Cameron? She saying," If you don't get in that car right now I'm going to give you something to cry about Mister!" Not really, don't know what they were whispering about but it sure is cute!
Now we come to the part of the story that will explain the title of this blog. Christmas Eve night we planned to go to Midnight Mass with my mom and Franco at their church in Houston. They attend an Episcopal church which is very different from our relaxed Methodist church that Luke is used to. We told him we were going to Midnight Mass and it would be really late and he had to nap and he was so excited. He kept telling my mom thank you for inviting us, now he goes to a private christian school and we attend church prettttttttttty regularly but I thought it was odd he was SO excited to attend a church service. We arrived at the church which is very old and beautiful. The walkways were lit with candles and it smelled of incense. The choir sang for 30 minutes and then the processional started. There was swinging of the incense, chanting of prayers ect. Luke was sitting between my mom and Franco and seemed very interested. About half way through he made his way to me and whispered,"When do the fun and games start?" I told him this was it, there was no fun or games and then I reminded him that we told him this would be a church service. He then said,"Well Midnight Mass sounded like fun and games to me!" and then huffed back over to my mom. He was even more disappointed at the end when we had to break it to him that there no there were no juice or cookies either. I don't think he will ever forget it!
He looks so happy here right before we left, visions of fun and games dancing in his head.
Christmas morning Santa brought one gift to Luke at Nonna's house and the rest up here to Arlington. Here is some video of him opening his gift from Santa!
Here is Granpa watching the boys open their presents.
That's Uncle Buddy with his head down.
Here are Granpa, Buddy, Aunt Mary, Uncle Ron, Eric and Travis.
Uncle Bill had a great time too!
Here is my sweet Nan, I look forward to spending my Christmas at her house each year. We had a great time!
I will do Arlington Christmas in a few days, hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, have a great week!