Sunday, July 27, 2008

Party in the Pool!

We have spent a lot of time in the pool this summer. We have gone to quite a few swim parties and to some friend's houses during this long, hot summer!

Sam had some friends over to partake in her new pool a few weeks ago. Tracie giving luke bunny ears, or are those devil horns:) Allie, Sam and Kristen are in the background.

Becca and Ella were chillin' with Ella's little float. She is the best baby. She reminds me of a girl Luke, well even Luke wasn't as calm and happy as much as Ella!

Andrew or "Drew" as he is called, is so cute! He was so content to float in his little boat and throw his hat into the water and chomp on it! He is a little Cody mini me! Those Hogan kids are lookers!

Tracie had a ball playing with Darby, she kept Trac on her toes!

This is Darby's little brother Shepard and his mom Angela. He was so funny, he did not want to get into a float or be put down. That's Leslie in the background thinking,"Thank God I have dogs!":)

Kristen got her excercise motoring Andrew around the pool!

We aren't sure if Luke will be the next speed swimmer in the Olympics or on the water ballet team!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Houston Vaca!

We had such a good time in Houston for our mini vacation! It has been really hard for Luke to not have instant access to the grandparents, cousins, aunt and uncle! We are looking forward to the cousins coming for a week in August for Camp Thurman!

We had a little party to celebrate Cameron's 7th birthday and my 27th! Just ask Luke he is all to aware of my real age and loves to tell anyone who will listen!

Memaw and Papa came down from Tomball to see their boy.

Everyone had a great time eating,drinking and splashing in the pool. The gift giving wasn't bad either!

A great time was had by all. Especially Cam who made out like a bandit. He sure is a cute 7 year old.

No my mom and Luke didn't get thrown in the slammer for jumping the gate at Moody Gardens, they were just playing in the shark cage! We had a great day at the aquarium in Galveston. This is my favorite aquarium to go to, it has everything......... sharks, penguins, things to pet and Luke's favorite........ things for his Nonna to BUY. Oh yeah, he scored a white seal pup before we left.

The big sting ray wanted to get his picture in the blog:)

Glad something in Houston was cool.

We stopped by Nan's on our way home for some coffee and conversation. Luke just loves all the attention he gets there. We stayed at Nan's for about 4 days and I'm sure she was exhausted by the time we left but it was fun.

We ended our visit at my sister's for Cameron's "real" birthday. My sister made him a cake and he decorated it. There is nothing better than warm cake, well maybe icy cold beer on hot day....... but that is debatable.

Cameron got a four wheeler (which he still calls a four liter) but this is a real one. Gas powered and everything, much to my mother's dismay. He loved it though and even let Luke take a spin!
Our last day in Houston my brother in law Don hurt his back and ended up in the hospital. He is still having lots of pain but is seeing a specialist and we are hoping for him to get some relief soon. I ended up with the boys that day and Travis and I stopped at the donut shop on the way home from the hospital so I love this picture of the boys in their underwear eating donuts. I like to think of it as boys in their natural habitat.

I have a lot more to write about but my son is waiting for me to come outside and play ball with him so I have to go!

Shout out to Uncle Don, we love you and hope you get better soon!