Friday, June 20, 2008

Life's a Beach!

Luke has had a great summer so far! He was invited to go to Schlitterbaun with Sarah and Susan on Wednesday and then got to spend the night with them in Galveston at the beach house they rented for the week! I have been staying with my Nan in LaMarque which is only a few minutes from Galveston so it worked out well. I went to pick him up Thursday and took a few pics!

Sarah and Luke carried their boogie boards down to the beach to show me their "moves"!

Waiting on the perfect wave!

I made them pose for this, but it sure is cute! They had such a great time together!

Poor Miss Susan was left to be the pack mule for the kids snacks and drinks! She is a trooper!

This was the biggest wave I saw, but they thought it was great!

Luke had so much fun with Maggie, she was Sarah's grandmother's dog.

This is the best part of the beach... gettin' dirty!

Sarah at her finest. Maybe she will be an executive chef some day..........

We headed back to Nan's when the storms started to roll in. Thanks Birdwells for the great little Galveston vacation!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband and all the dads we know and love!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Tooth Fairy cometh tonight!

Luke finally lost his first tooth! I have to tell you it was quite the ordeal. I swore he was going to graduate college with that thing dangling from his mouth! He refused to let me near it, so I had planned to pull it during his nap. My mom told me how cruel I was and then I made him show her his tooth as it swayed with every breath he took. She agreed and after lunch we cornered him in his room and shut the door. He was very preoccupied with his DS and didn't pay us any attention. I put on a rubber glove (for traction) and then said, "Luke you know Mommy loves you right?" He replied, "yeah......", that would be when he noticed Nonna was also in the room. He threw down the DS in horror and started screaming. I felt a twinge of guilt but when I saw the swaying tooth it was gone. My mom told him he was going to swallow it if he didn't let me pull it. He finally relented and opened his mouth. All I had to do was pluck it out. I showed it to him and he was so excited. The blood freaked him out a little but it was nothing a Dreamcicle couldn't fix. That's my new mantra, Dreamcicles fix everything messy and unpleasant! We are having a ball in Houston and Lynn Stokes is coming to dinner tonight, I'll be glad to see my friend!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Look at these sweet boys......... We are at my mom's for the month of June and loving it! Cam is sick so he is staying with us for a couple of days. I took Luke for a haircut today and this is what we came home with.................

Not so sweet anymore huh? Well Luke has been asking for a mohawk for a year so we told him he could have one this summer. I decided to do it while his hair was still pretty short. He also got some blue put in it just for today. I swear he was just in the little car crying for his mom to hold him while he had his hair trimmed. Today he told the lady, " Buzz it off!". Here are some other "views".

He has such a cute profile, thank goodness he got the Sebesta nose!

Here's the back, I little hard to spike because it is too short. I can't wait to buzz it all off!

Here is Nanno with Lady, had to put this cute one in. That is the most spoiled cat I have ever seen! She loves her Franco!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Class of 08!

It finally happened.......... Luke graduated from Kindergarten!! Here is the proud graduate with his Principal Mrs. Smith receiving his "diploma". That is his teacher Mrs. Jenkins in the background. It seems like just yesterday he was learning how to talk and now he is going to first grade:( It really does go by so fast all my friends with little ones!

The kids sang songs, here is Luke with Danielle they don't look happy but they were in a "serious" pose. They all did so well and I didn't see any child get stage fright.

This video clip is Luke saying his bible verse. There are a few kids who do their's before him. He did so well. He practiced and practiced his verse so that he would say it clear, loud and proud! We love that he is able to learn about Christ along with his basics. He really shows an understanding of why Jesus died on the cross for him and how to be a humble servant. I love my job, but there is a problem in the public school system....... that's a whole other blog.

Here are some pics of Luke and his family and friends. A great day was had by all!

Here is Luke with his best friend Parker. They are in class, karate and baseball together. Luke really had a great class of kids this year, he loves them all.

This is Isabel with Luke. She is the tiniest little thing:) They are good buddies too!

Here is Luke with his Memaw and Papaw. They came all the way from Tomball just to see him graduate.

Nonno and Nonna came up from Pearland to see their Lukey Boo graduate. My mom is not allowed to call him that anymore per Luke's order but..... he doesn't read the blog much:)

This is Danielle. Luke and Danielle have been inseparable since Pre-k. They are JUST FRIENDS according to both, but they do make a cute little couple!

Here are all the grandparents(except my dad and Judy who were just up) Nonni, Nonno, Nonna, Memaw and Papaw. I know there is a pic with Mom but I think Nonni took it. Daddy had to go back to work after the ceremony and we didn't get a picture. It was a stressful morning what can I say? Luke is now Houston for a week while I finish up school blahhhhh! Hope everyone has a wonderful summer and keep looking for more updates!