Monday, June 9, 2008


Look at these sweet boys......... We are at my mom's for the month of June and loving it! Cam is sick so he is staying with us for a couple of days. I took Luke for a haircut today and this is what we came home with.................

Not so sweet anymore huh? Well Luke has been asking for a mohawk for a year so we told him he could have one this summer. I decided to do it while his hair was still pretty short. He also got some blue put in it just for today. I swear he was just in the little car crying for his mom to hold him while he had his hair trimmed. Today he told the lady, " Buzz it off!". Here are some other "views".

He has such a cute profile, thank goodness he got the Sebesta nose!

Here's the back, I little hard to spike because it is too short. I can't wait to buzz it all off!

Here is Nanno with Lady, had to put this cute one in. That is the most spoiled cat I have ever seen! She loves her Franco!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love Luke's hair! TOO Cute!