Sam had some friends over to partake in her new pool a few weeks ago. Tracie giving luke bunny ears, or are those devil horns:) Allie, Sam and Kristen are in the background.
Becca and Ella were chillin' with Ella's little float. She is the best baby. She reminds me of a girl Luke, well even Luke wasn't as calm and happy as much as Ella!
Andrew or "Drew" as he is called, is so cute! He was so content to float in his little boat and throw his hat into the water and chomp on it! He is a little Cody mini me! Those Hogan kids are lookers!
Tracie had a ball playing with Darby, she kept Trac on her toes!
This is Darby's little brother Shepard and his mom Angela. He was so funny, he did not want to get into a float or be put down. That's Leslie in the background thinking,"Thank God I have dogs!":)
Kristen got her excercise motoring Andrew around the pool!
We aren't sure if Luke will be the next speed swimmer in the Olympics or on the water ballet team!