Friday, August 17, 2007

Schlitterbaun and YES... Houston again!


Paula and Rileigh were gracious enough to invite Luke and me on a short little vacation to New Braunsfels last weekend! We left on Sat. afternoon and arrived in San Marcus by late afternoon. We talked the kids into a little shopping at the outlets and did a little swimming at the hotel that night! On Sunday we headed out to Schlitterbaun! It was as great as I remembered it was WAY BACK when I was in high school! The kids had a lot of fun and Paula and I were reminded we aren't 18 anymore. I won't go into detail to save our pride but, we did get on one ride known as the Rapid Chute or something stupid like that. Paula and I thought it was the lazy river well......... I have renamed it the T's and A ride, ask me to tell you about it later. Needless to say we were a lot more careful from that ride on about our choices! All in all we had a great time and the kids had a ball!

Here they are after Shlitterbaun and extra swimming that night at the hotel pool! They had some popcorn and watched Air Buddies! We had left the water park and ate at Rudy's for dinner. If you have never been their GO! They have great Barbecue and VERY cold beer:) After the T and A ride we needed it! We had an eight hour trip back on Monday thanks to I35 being shut down due to a fire, but everyone handled it pretty well and we arrived home about 6:30pm. Just enough time for me to unpack and pack again because Luke and I flew out on Tuesday at 11 am for Houston! Needless to say it was a busy couple of days!
Here is Luke ready to take off on the airplane, he LOVES to fly! I don't share that love especially after the hellacious ride Matt and I had to LasVegas back in May! I was sure we were going to die! Anyway Luke likes when the plane goes bump, I smiled at him and wondered if 11am is too soon to ask for alcohol. We made it fine and have been enjoying a much needed vacation of lounging by the pool and visiting our favorite people!
My dad and sister Sally. FYI, my dad won the Star award from his company and was sent to Florida to see the Shuttle launch last week! My sister has been offered a promotion and it is well deserved. She works WAY too hard. With all this good fortune I just know that us teachers must be in for some BIG MONEY this year.........hahahahahha! I'm very proud of both of them, yeah!

Here are the "boys" following Granpa's command to fall backwards into the pool. They had a great time swimming at Nonna's!

We had dinner tonight with Granma and Granpa at Crackerbarrel. Luke loves to eat there with his Granpa, it is their special place. We went to visit Nan later that night. We got to spend the whole day with her yesterday because of some bad weather here. I missed having lunch with my good friend Carol, but we will get together soon I'm sure!

I'll be flying home on Sunday to start work on Monday! Luke is staying behind until Thursday because he and his cousin Cameron won awards from sister's company for a safety contest. More on that later.........
One last note, as Hurricane Dean closes in on the Gulf please keep my family in your prayers. We don't know were it will go but there is always a chance it could hit here. Luke will still be down so I'm sure I'll be a basket case! Thanks for taking time to catch up with "Our Crazy Life"!


danalafargue said...

Very cute pictures! I will be watching the weather very closely and worrying about all of your crew down there. Tell all of them to be very careful and to keep a close eye on my boy. I'm so proud of both Luke and Cameron for their awards! I hope you will be able to get pictures to post of that!

Becca said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I, too will be watching the weather. Tell Judy and Eric that I still have room for the cat if they need it! :o) Hopefully, it will not come to that again! They are in my prayers. Have fun at work! (some of us have been back for a week already!) Wish I was there with you! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Glad to see you are keeping up with this site! We did have a wonderful time :)! Love the picture of Luke when he was 11 months ~ so cute!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.