Saturday, September 1, 2007

First Day of Kindergarten

Here he is on his first day of kindergarten! Daddy took the day off and dropped Luke off at school. Unfortunately it was my first day of school as well and I couldn't be there! That is one of the downfalls of being a teacher, but two months off helps offset that a bit:) His teacher is Mrs. Jenkins and seems very nice. Cheryl (Nonni) was there to take some pics too, I am going to have to get those loaded on here so everyone can see them! Luke came home the first day and told us that the Gingerbread Man had visited their school! He said that they looked all over that school for him and could never find him! Lots of teachers saw him and he left crumbs on the floor but they never saw him. He also said that the G.B.M left them a snack. He was quite put out that he never saw him but his Aunt Becca and I told him that he probably went to visit another school and that soothed him a little bit. My step mother( a retired teacher) thought that doing that activity the first day of school was very ambitious:) Needless to say with only a thirty minute rest period during the day he is EXHAUSTED and in bed each night by 8:15! We have all made it through the first week and are ready for a three day weekend!


danalafargue said...

Oh, my goodness!
I don't believe I have ever seen a more handsome Kindergartener than that in my whole life!!! Has his teacher noticed yet how brilliant as well as beautiful he is???

Melissa said...

He just seem to Big to be Luke! You need to put some rocks in that boys pockets:)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Luke Nonna is so......proud of you, but I agree I want rocks put in your pockets!

Kindergarten as your Grandpa used to tell your Momma, Aunt Sally and Uncle Buddy is when you really get going.

Chesley said...

WOW...I just can't believe Luke is in school! I remember when I started at Farrell you were pregnant with him. That seems like such a short time ago! He is such a cutie! Watch those girls Tammy! :)

Becca said...

He is so big! What a little man he is turning out to be! I am very proud of him!!