Thursday, July 5, 2007

From Houston to Arlington

Well Luke and I headed down to Houston last Wednesday to get away from the rain HAAA I think we brought more back with us. We also went to celebrate Cam's birthday as well as mine. A good time was had by all and we were so happy to visit with everyone. We spent some time at Nan's house and helped load up one of her critters:) she captured, we stayed at Don and Sally's and added to the mahem there and even went to Luby's and Kemah's boardwalk with Dad and Judy so they could spend some time with Luke and Maddie. We finished up with a great pool party at Mom's and headed home on Tuesday. Luke and Maddie were troopers through the rain on the way back home, and with a little patience and coffee(and big cookies for the monsters) from Collin Street Bakery we made it back safely.

1 comment:

Denise said...

They are all so.......cute. Good thing Cam has his floaties on.

Love, Nonna